It has been quilted in a lovely holiday design, and is ready for me to add the binding and the hanging sleeve.
Here's the hanging sleeve. I always make sure all elements work together. This fabric choice for the hanging sleeve is no accident.The Patchery Menagerie
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Monday, March 24, 2025
Noel Banner Sample
Saturday, March 22, 2025
I was pretty sore the first part of this week. I went out and did an errand Tuesday morning, and was really sore when I got home. I was so sore on Wednesday that I never got dressed, and spent the day mostly sacked out on the couch. My ribs were incredibly sore and it really hurt to yawn and sneeze.
Thursday I got up still sore and decided to take a soak in my big tub. That made a heck of a difference, and I think it was a big turning point, as I began to feel almost normal after that.
I trimmed all the blocks I made.I'm due for a new set of glasses since I have a new prescription. You know I like frames that are different. I am old enough that I can do whatever the hell I want, so I am getting pink glasses. They will be ready in a couple of weeks.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
A Good Day
The first part of Saturday was terrific. I went to Night Owl Quilting Studio, my LQS, which had a whole lineup of demos and games. It was great fun, but I forgot to take pictures.
I bought this thread cutter, which has now become my favorite quilting gadget.Monday, March 17, 2025
Rough Day
We all have good days, and sometimes we have bad days. Sometimes we have both. On Saturday I had both in the same day. The good stuff, I will write about later, but I'm going to start with the bad part, and you'll figure out why as you read. It's basically a cautionary tale.
Saturday was National Quilting Day and I spent the morning having fun at the Night Owl Quilting Studio. That was ALL GOOD.
My car was parked a block away, and down a side street. I waited for an SUV with a storage container attached to the roof drive past before I attempted to cross the street at a crosswalk. Now, it's March in New England. The ground is thawing and this causes the pavement to buckle and break. We call them frost heaves. They create potholes, and uneven pavement.
You can see where this is going.
Alas, I did not.
I tripped and fell face first into the (very fortunately rarely traveled) side street. I watched as the pavement got closer. I fell with both my palms flat on the street, but that did not stop my head from hitting the pavement. Somehow I also fell against my side.
I was startled, to say the least. I rolled over onto my back and tried to get my bearings. I looked over and realized I was in the street. I sat up. The young woman driving the SUV had turned around, parked and came toward me. "Are you OK? Are you hurt?"
I had a lump on my head just above my eyebrow.
My left side hurt like hell. I had abrasions on both palms and the ball of my right palm was bruised. My glasses were scratched.Saturday, March 15, 2025
National Quilting Day
It's kind of annoying when that AWFUL TASK you were putting off for so long turns out to be easier than you thought, and took much less time than you expected.
Such it was with my taxes. Instead of the ordeal I expected, it only took an hour and was relatively painless. I had, however, made sure to have all the documents and information I needed nearby.
Oh well.
That meant I could go into the studio and play with purple. My finished HST's will be 3" so I knew I needed 480 of them. Since I could get 8 HST's out of one square of fabric (above) I calculated I'd need 60 squares. I had 20 dark purples, so that part was easy. (3 of each). I didn't have so much light purplish fabrics, so I scoured my stash and did what I could to get the right number of light squares. I got them all cut out pretty easily.
Then I paired them up, which you can see in the photo above. I didn't want any group of 8 HST's to be duplicated. No problem there.
Then I mated them and drew the cutting lines on them and clipped them together. I grabbed a random stack and sewed and cut triangles.Thursday, March 13, 2025
Purple Plan
You all know that I don't start any quilt unless I kinda sorta know where I am going to go with it, and I don't work on more than one quilt at a time. With the Carnelian quilt done and its backing ready, it was time to start thinking about the next quilt, the purple one.
Just like I had never made an all Orange quilt, I have also never made an all purple one. So a few weeks ago I ordered a stack of purple fabrics. I ran them through the washer and dryer and pressed and folded them all, but I had no idea what I was going to do with them. I did know I wanted to do something I had never done before.Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Backing for the Carnelian Quilt
I sewed a long strips of leftover blocks together. I would use that to make the backing wider, but that wouldn't be enough. I decided to cut 12" across the backing strip along the bottom, add some extra orange fabric to it, and sew it to one side of the backing, then I'd insert the strip of blocks into the backing.
I often forget to use my great big dining room table as a work surface, but I put it to good use trimming the backing fabric. Before I could sew something to the side, I had to trim it straight. A great big long table is really useful here.Saturday, March 8, 2025
I've taught Birds and I've taught Letters, but I've never taught multi-session classes that would use both. The gals at Night Owl Quilting Studio were very interested in students being able to use elements together to make a holiday wall hanging.
I have been tasked with creating a wall hanging about 30 x 40 inches that used birds and some of the other elements of my holiday and noel banners.
I was doing pretty well until the power went out midmorning yesterday. No electricity, no heat, no internet access. I couldn't sew, couldn't cook. So I cleaned the house. Thoroughly.
Then I lay on the couch and read a book.
The electricity came back after three hours. The internet needed another two.
I went back in the studio and continued working. This is what I came up with. (This is just the elements. I haven't sewn them to each other yet.)Friday, March 7, 2025
Joyful Goes to Find a Home
It's always fun to take beauty shots of quilts against snow. I think it's funny because a quilt will never be used IN the snow.
I have decided that since I am going to make quilts anyway, and I don't need them to live with me, that I will give everyone I love a quilt. So my family members are covered, and I've been making quilts for my close friends (Remember the Fourth of July quilt?)
I have known Diana over 30 years. She lives in California, but we have kept in touch over the years and visited fairly regularly. The last time we talked I told her I wanted to make her a quilt. "Lynne, what a lovely idea, thank you so much," she started, "but Art and I are 78 and 79 and we are trying to downsize. the We do not need a quilt."
We talked more and then I had an idea. "How about I make a quilt for you and donate it to the victims of the fires in California?"
She thought that would be a fabulous idea. So the Joyful quilt is now en route to the Camarillo Quilters where it will be donated to a family displaced by the terrible fires. One thing that makes this program really special is that they allow the families to choose their own quilt.
That makes me really happy. Joyful is a bright, happy, fun quilt and I know the family who chooses it will choose it because it makes them feel happy too.
Win, win!
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Carnelian is a Flimsy!
This is IT, and what I will sew together.And as you can see, I start where I can reach without getting out the stepladder.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Back to the Classroom!
I am very happy to announce that I will be teaching at the Night Owl Quilting Studio in Goffstown NH. My first classes will be my Liberated Birds and those are scheduled for Thursday May 15 and Saturday May 31, 2025.
The next class will be my Liberated Letters on June 28, 2025.
We are also planning some multi-session classes that will give students an opportunity to make quilts like this Happy Holidays banner that includes letters, birds and other elements.
Stay tuned!
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Carnelian Blocks First Pass
Here the design wall is full of the blocks for the orange quilt, called Carnelian. I haven't rearranged these at all, and I haven't replaced blocks or fabrics I think aren't working. I can tell you that I won't be tinkering overmuch with these. I have about two dozen blocks in progress to replace blocks I don't think are working.
I had a LOT of orange fabric, but the problem was they were all so similar in value that it reduced the number of successful blocks I could get. It also meant I had to use some light coral fabrics which lean a bit toward pink in order to get some contrast between the two fabrics in each block.
These were some of my test blocks. I did NOT like the fact that the points didn't meet, so I had to figure out how to get the points to match. (You know I did that, right?)~ ~ ~ ~ ~
On the health front, I saw my nutritionist last week. She was overjoyed by my progress. I have lost close to 10 pounds, and my A1C numbers are dropping steadily. Woo Hoo!