Every time I make a bird, I think it's better than the last one, but I really think this is my favorite bird so far. It wasn't until he was finished that I noticed the "Laurel Burch" signature on the fabric. So this guy has a tattoo!! And notice the lower right corner. The fabric there had an element that was a different color (it was a little sun, bright yellow) and it detracted from the "tail" so I patched it up with another part of the print. You can do that, you know.
I like my birds to have big beaks. Dunno why. (I talk too much, maybe?) And the legs don't always have to be the same length either. Sometimes the birds just need to be taller.
I also like making up stories about the birds when I make them. I think Mr Blue, above, is a Marine Biologist.
This is Azure. She's a singer. Maybe R&B. Maybe she's a torch singer. I think she might be a bit of a Diva.
I have no idea where these are all going.
And now Millie has a calendar. I don't think I'm ever going to buy a commercial calendar ever again. LOL!
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Oooh yes, Mr Blue is delightful. He's not just a marine biologist, Lynne - he's a world-renowned expert who spends three or four months each year overseas delivering papers to international conferences and consulting with governments. Although some people consider it hypocritical, he eats seafood - garlic prawns is one of his 'comfort foods'. He enjoys listening to Beethoven and is gradually building an impressive collection of works by the lesser known Australian landscape painters of the 19th century. A bird of refinement and taste.
Sydney, Australia
Mr Blue, I would be so happy to have him at a bird feeder down here, he is my pick of all your birds. Megan has given him the distinction and praise he so deserves. And as for Millie, the " Darling Calendar Girl" indeed.
Megan - WOW! Talk about taking this to the next level! How can anybody NOT love listening to Beethoven, this on his 245th birthday? And do you mean to suggest Mr Blue is an Aussie? Hmmm.
Both Mr Blue and Azure are lovely, Azure looks Christmassy to me!
Millie - no, Mr Blue is not an Aussie. He's an American through and through - and it's because he's not an Aussie that his study of, understanding of and collection of works by lesser known Australian landscape painters of the 19th century is all the more to his credit. He has exquisite taste and having come across several works of this kind in his mid 20s, he decided to research others. His collection is now considered by other specialists to be one of the best of its kind in the world, and indeed, several acknowledged experts consider Mr Blue to be an authority in this - admittedly narrow - field. Mr Blue, however, is always quick to downplay his standing in the art world, saying, "I'm just a marine biologist who likes landscapes". He has been a frequent visitor to Australia over the years, with a particular passion for the Great Barrier Reef, but no, definitely not an Aussie.
Sydney, Australia
I can see I'm going to have to make a decidedly Aussie bird who's a writer, loves tuxie cats and has one hell of an imagination!!
And, unfortunately, it will have to be overweight too. Boo.
Sydney, Australia
Wow! Love your birds. Best of all I am happy to learn that I am not the only one who sometimes makes up a whole story as I am creating. This year for Christmas I made several Quilting Fairies as gifts. I had a whole story created to go with them by the time they were finished. Millie and Megan, thank you for reassuring me that I am not decidedly nuts!
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