Monday, January 24, 2011

The Rules, again, again

I had this idea for making the word RULES in only black and white fabrics. When I see it here with the bright colors against the black, I think it looks washed out.

So I have to come up with a better idea.


Joyce said...

I love the black and white letters but just not with the colors. A whole piece in black and white would be amazing. Hmmm..I'm looking for a new project and that just might be it. I'd just have to think of what words would look good in B&W...

LizA. said...

I agree. The b&w letters look so dull next to the colors. What a tease you are....can't wait to see what your idea is.

Quiltdivajulie said...

What about inserting a sliver of color along the left edge of each letter (the S would be the trickiest) ... or a wedge of brightness under each letter ...

Dolly said...

I disagree......I think that looks great.

I've been having trouble seeing the "o" everytime you post these photos, but maybe if it gets some black background around it too, it'll come out of obsurity.

Oh, I hope I don't sound snarky.......I really like the black and white for the "rules".

Millie said...

Joyce, Hmm...a piece with black and white letters... What would look good in black and white...? How about "How quickly daft jumping zebras vex" Now, where have I heard that before? LOL!

LizA... I don't HAVE an idea yet! I'm thinking!

Julie... yeah, that's an idea...

Dolly, yes the "O" doesn't read well now, and I think you are correct in that it will when surrounded by black.