How do you arrange the rows in a quilt when each row is over 40" long and to see them on your design wall, you have to go up and down a ladder?
The answer is, you find another way.
I printed a photo of all my colored words on a color printer, cut them apart, and then played with arranging them.I still haven't found a solution yet. But I'm much closer. And this is ever so much easier.
You thought I was joking, didn't you?
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besides photos, do you have a pair of binoculars? Look through the big end of them with one eye from across the room.........that way also gives you a different view than the camera lens.
ps, love the "chocolate" yours and the real stuff!
what a clever idea!!! I may copy this - I have no design wall at all, I usually lay stuff out on the floor!
Yes, clever indeed! Your color words lettering is wonderful. Love that you take the Process Pledge to heart & elaborate on how you think through projects from beginning to end. Looking forward to seeing fox & dog quilt finished. Your sewing room is mighty tidy. Have you blogged on the organization of your material & workspace?
no - i did NOT think you were joking - i thought (and still think) that is a BRILLIANT idea!
That's using your head! Very clever idea. I LOVE digital cameras - they've truly changed my life.
I think 'chocolate' looks great, and it was fun to watch the evolution of it on the Picasa page. That will help me understand your process some, and therefore help my "word" process. Thank you so much for sharing it!
Love your solution to the dilemma ... creative thinking comes out in more places than the sewing machine!
Have fun playing!
You know, Julie, it's really funny. On one of the flickr discussion groups, somebody asked "What's the one tool in your sewing room you couldn't live without?" and I thought, "my brain."
Margaret, thank you. I really believe in sharing my process. I am interested in the creative process of all artists, writers, etc.
Cyndi, I am myopic (can't see far away), so sometimes I just take off my glasses, and that does the trick. I really like to be at least ten feet away, and I can't do that in the sewing room because it isn't big enough. That's why I have another wall in the dining room.
Sharon, there's a quote, "If you don't know where you're going, you will wind up someplace else." Planning ahead is a contradiction in terms for free piecing, but basically I hate wasting time and fabric. So I draw and play.
Tine, the floor is good too, but I have a cat who sees fabric on the floor as an opportunity to play "slip and slide."
Have you tried a light to dark layout? Champagne at the top, etc. You might not like it or then again, you might. . .
I really like how you have it on the wall/step-stool picture. I like the Chocolate on the bottom since it is a bit different from the rest and the champagne doesn't fade out next to the goldenrod and malachite. Great work.
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