Sunday, September 15, 2024

Lotsa Little Blocks


I made more little blocks. I have black blocks, dark blue and light blue blocks, green and light green blocks, pink blocks, red blocks, yellow and orange blocks, purple and lavender blocks. Then I made some light blocks. For the light blocks I used colored centers.

I had enough blocks to start putting them up on the design wall. You all know I don't really start designing in earnest until I've got all the blocks on the wall, but I can already tell this is going to be fun.

This is the first pass. I could already see things I wanted to fix, but I was tired, so I went to bed.


Nancy J said...

I do like the double sized ones in with the others.Yes, I know this will be rearranged again and maybe again.

Karen said...

This looks like fun. Your last picture made me want to see mirrors at the side of the layout (90 degrees from wall). Infinite colored squares...
The question I ask myself is why I've never had that thought when looking at my own designs.

Linda Swanekamp said...

I adore the little blocks. The colors are so rich and full of life.

Nancy said...

Oh my I just love the vibrant life in these little blocks. And like Nancy S above I like the bigger blocks slipped in.