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Sunday, January 11, 2015

This and That

I've been working on that project I can't tell you about. It's coming along very well although I had to take some time out this morning to pick up and fold all the fabric I had thrown about. I had been getting frustrated. Of course, the real solution was to take a deep breath, and go a bit slower. Picking up the stuff that made it really messy helped too.

I baked two loaves of bread yesterday, and spent an evening last week ordering seeds for the garden. Now that I have a house I can plant my garden in the ground in an actual garden instead of in pots around a parking lot. (Did I tell you that as soon as I moved out of the old place, the landlord put the house up for sale? And that it sold less than two months later?)


  1. Would you have purchased it if you had known? I am happy that you are where you are and that it meets so many of your needs.

  2. Well, I think this is a much more suitable place, Millie is so happy with all the amenities that came with this home. And the studio is marvelous, it's a place for real creation.

  3. Glad to see you back. Millie mentioned that you were resting a bit. Hope you are fine. When it gets cold like this, I just want to hibernate!!

  4. This house has so much more to offer you with alot less pavement. I love your sewing room and all the windows....

  5. The trouble with a large studio - when it gets messy, there's a lot to tidy up! LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Your slow down and tidy up system works for me, too -

    SO happy you moved when you did!!!!!

  7. Can't wait to see your new secret project!

  8. Oh how I love candid shots of real studios. Glad to know I'm not the only one who uses the "whole" space when creating. :)


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