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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Adapt, Improvise, Overcome

As many of you know, my sewing studio is a sun porch, and gets its light from four large sliding glass windows. While it has a couple of heating vents, the room was never designed to be kept at "room temperature" when it gets really, really, cold.

How cold is "really really cold?"  As I write this, about 9:30 PM on Wednesday, it is 3F (-16C) outside. The temperature is supposed to drop another 12 degrees overnight, resulting in a temperature of -9F  (-22C) just before sunrise.

If you think that's cold, you need to know that with the wind right now, the Wind Chill Factor makes it feel like -16F.  The temperature in the studio now is just under 60F.

That means it's very uncomfortable out there. So I am not doing much sewing this week. 
 I moved the portable ironing table into the living room to do a few little things, but mostly I'll be reading and watching TV from the couch.


  1. oh my gosh - we have never been that cold in our lives. We would be buried on the couch under every quilt we owned.

    Keep warm my friends.

  2. Well, it got down to 10 F here last night and is all the way up to 11 F this morning. This weather just makes me want to curl up into a ball and sleep until spring. If I were you, I think I'd be moving my sewing machine into the living room. lol

  3. Our power went out last night for awhile and it was in the 50s indoors. I was feeling very put-upon until I thought of all the people who are forced to sleep outside in all sorts of weather.

  4. Oh, my! That is really, really cold!

  5. Perhaps a sewing machine on the dining room table, Lynne?

    Sydney, Australia


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