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Monday, December 15, 2014

What I Did Yesterday Afternoon

Yesterday afternoon I attended the premiere of Downton Abbey Season 5.

Yes, it's true. I have already seen episode 1.

(OK. I know folks outside of the US may have already seen it, but for those of us in the US, episode 1 "officially" airs on January 4, 2015.)

I am a member of the local Art Museum, The Currier Museum of Art, and was invited to a private showing. I invited one of my colleagues, a young woman named Jennifer who is such a Downton Abbey fan that the Downton Abbey theme music is the ringtone on her cell phone. We had a great time. Now we can't wait for episode 2.


  1. We have to wait even longer in Australia. It's broadcast on a commercial station and I can't bear to watch it because of the long advert interruptions, so even when it is broadcast here, I'll choose to wait for the DVD to become available.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Sounds like a lovely afternoon out. I still haven't watched the last season, it is still sitting on my DVR and I might gorge on it over Christmas.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  3. What an awesome museum event - glad you and Jennifer were there!!!!!!

  4. What an awesome museum event - glad you and Jennifer were there!!!!!!

  5. I've been watching (and rewatching) Downton Abby on Amazon Prime, so season 5 isn't available yet. I'm envious of your opportunity!

  6. Lucky you! I am late to the table...have to watch Season 3 an 4 yet!

    Happy Holidays,


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