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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Continuing to Go Over the Top

My son said to me once, "Mom, I love that when you go over the top, you keep going."

This rail fence block certainly does that.

Thank goodness for FaceTime. It's so nice to SEE my dear son when we "talk" on the phone. Last night we "face-timed" for over two hours. I was able to show him my Christmas decorations, and all the rail fence blocks. Both he and my DIL loved them. It was great to just sit and chat about everything and nothing.


  1. Technology has truly allowed us to be closer. Sadly many people allow it to isolate them. Keep on going over the top on Facetime and sharing your love and life with your family.

  2. Love your 'wonky' rail fence, and the fabrics are gorgeous. Yes modern technology has brought us many wonderful things.

  3. Over the top....under the road most traveled...around the bend...all sort of reflects your work and I sooo love it.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.