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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

On the Home Front

My house is on a hill, so from my living room and studio I can see the roofs of my neighbors on the hill below me. It means I have an unobstructed view and I get great light.

It's magic when it looks like this.

I'm almost finished setting up the house. The master bedroom and master bathroom are finished, as is the guest bath. The kitchen is all organized as is the dining room and the china cabinet. All my dishes and serving dishes are put away and organized. I've got a lot of my artwork and quilts hung up on display.

I still need to hang the flannel on the design wall, and hang things on my "Inspiration" walls - the photos and notecards from friends, the things that make me smile, and the things that inspire me.

The office floor is finally clear of junk, and a lot of paperwork has been sorted and shredded. I need to sort and file a big stack or receipts, but that's a job I'll do this weekend, when I can sit in that room when it is full of daylight, and I have no time restraints.


  1. Well done on arriving on the other side of the move!! I am not looking forward to mine next summer!

  2. Moving is such a stressful time. Pleased to hear your making it through in one piece. I am about there now.

  3. Magic, indeed!! Great photo to keep close during the coming months!!!

  4. Your new home looks wonderful with lots of natural light and space to create. So happy for you!

  5. Love all the light. I don't like dark living spaces.

  6. Well done Lynne.

    Sydney, Australia


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