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Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Funny

This is the wall at the other end of the big tub in my master bathroom. Instead of a quilt I thought it would be fun to hang my colorful purses.

I've been trying to clean up the garden, collecting the leaves and otherwise putting the garden to bed. I have been spending inside time reading. I'll be back to sewing soon!


  1. this! I keep my purses on a hanging wall rack in my closet, but this is So great, it makes me want to have a 'public hanging'. Oh, wait, mine are boring blacks and browns and beiges and not very interesting.I know my daughter has some red ones somewhere but blues, and greens, and yellow?. Love them.Great idea!

  2. Why not!? You can find exactly what you are looking for and they add a pretty design element. Methinks that would make a neat looking quilt, too.

  3. Looks terrific.

    Sydney, Australia


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