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Thursday, October 2, 2014


I don't always eat my dinner at the table. Since I live alone I often eat in the living room while watching TV. (So shoot me.) 

Years ago I went on a painted furniture kick, and you may have seen some pieces in my blog posts over the years.  I had painted two tv tables, and use them a lot, but they are always awkward. You have to have them oriented the right way, and your legs can get tangled up in them, which is really annoying.

I found this little "C-table" at The Container Store on sale. I though it would be just the thing for the new house, so I ordered a red one, then thought better of it, and ordered two.

They arrived last week, and I put them together today. They are absolutely PERFECT and I can see I will get a lot of use out of them.

Today is the M-word implementation. For the Millie-neophytes, that means it's Moving Day today. I've planned as best I can, and I've got everything packed and ready. Will it all go exactly as planned?  Maybe not, but it usually all works out. My only concern is getting Millie to eat the foods with the tranquilizers in them and that I can get her into the crate before the movers arrive.  After that, it'll be a piece of cake.

There won't be any internet access at the new house for a day or so, but as Ahh-nold once said, "I'll be Bahk!"

Stay tuned.


  1. Good luck with it all Lynne.

    Sydney, Australia


    IT'S MOVING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. You are an inspiration with your organizing skills. Good luck.

  4. Good luck on the move. Hope Millie cooperates and eats the tranks. :-)


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