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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The new Studio

This will be my sewing studio. It was designed as a sun room, and so faces south, and hasn't got a lot of wall space. I've worked out three different layouts, and haven't decided which to use. I'm pretty sure I'll only work it out until I actually start using the space.

Moving day is a few days away.

Stay tuned.


  1. Wonderful to have so much natural light, Lynne.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. You will thrive in this new, dedicated workspace... the natural light will be divine! I recall when I lived in New England that I craved every bit of natural light... especially in the winter when it began getting dark at 4:30 PM! I couldn't imagine sewing in a basement without windows. Wishing you well through the move, hang in there!

  3. It looks like you will get lots of natural light...always a good thing.

  4. Oooh, a wonderful room with a view and great light!

  5. Having all that natural light is a blessing. Wall space is always difficult but easier to overcome than no light. :)

  6. I want a video clip of you doing your HAPPY DANCE in this fabulous new studio space . . . .

  7. This is awesome and lots of natural light!

  8. Well that's a place to play, isn't it? Just know that what's going to come out of there will be spectacular! Good luck with the move, and have fun setting up your beautiful new space.

  9. Fantastic to be able to see the greenery outside too. Hope the move goes well.

  10. Looks like a big beautiful sunny work space. Congrats on the new digs! I like the idea of a studio exit to the outside, coolness. Easy access to step out for a breath of fresh air or to run screaming into the night depending on the muse's influence ;o)
    Enjoy your new home.
    Always, Queenie


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