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Friday, June 13, 2014

Julie's Here!

Julie's flight was delayed two and a half hours yesterday. While she waited in Atlanta, she got a manicure. I made a trip to the local chocolatier to buy her some of the famous Evil Little Chocolates

Julie brought me some gifts. Two small pins, the 2015 Engagement calendar featuring her quilt, See Rock City, and the most adorable Christmas ornament ever - a See Rock City mini birdhouse.

We toured the company where I work so she could see our conference room and I also brought her out to the manufacturing floor so she could get a better understanding of the items we make. Then we went to my house and I cooked dinner.

Today we are off to see those "magnificent freaking quilts."

1 comment:

  1. I lurve that Christmas ornament. Where did she get it? Do tell!

    Sydney, Australia

    PS. Were the two of you planning some quilty goodness for the conference room walls at work perhaps?


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