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Thursday, June 12, 2014


1. Clean the House. CHECK
2. Laundry.  CHECK
3. Prepare menus. CHECK
4. Groceries. CHECK
5. Order tickets for Quilts and Color show at MFA Boston. CHECK

6. Fill car with gas. CHECK
7. Get the car washed. CHECK
8. Vacuum studio CHECK
9. Print bus tickets for trip to Boston. CHECK
10. Figure out how to get to Tosci's from the MFA. CHECK
11. Make reservations for Zimmerman House tour. (The Zimmerman House was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright) CHECK
12. Millie performs QA check on Julie's new quilt.  CHECK
Millie's comment about Julie's quilt? "Mine."
13. Determine hours for Valley Cemetery. CHECK
14. Clear tables in sewing room (to do Thursday morning)
15. Plan visit to Quilted Threads on Saturday. CHECK
16. Make list of all possible places to get terrific ice cream. CHECK
17. Turn OFF alarm clock! CHECK
18. Do weekly bookkeeping and pay bills CHECK
19. Forget about work, housework, alarm clocks, diets, fabric budgets. CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, CHECK and CHECK.
20. Meet Julie at the airport. (Counting the minutes)
21. Have fun. CHECK!


  1. You'l be exhausted after all that! Enjoy!

  2. Going away for a few days does take effort for me also. It will be nice to come home to a clean sewing room. Enjoy.

  3. QT? Sat morning or afternoon?

  4. check, check, check!

    The last one is the most important one!

  5. Enjoy to the max Lynne and Julie (and Millie).

    Sydney, Australia


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