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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

More binding

I have sewn down the binding around half the Snow Day quilt, and pinned down the rest, so I am moving right along.

This is a detail of the Snow Day quilt. I've made it from scrap slabs. You can make a scrap slab triangle quilt too. Get my tutorial here at my Etsy shop.

In other totally non quilt related stuff, yesterday I celebrated 29 years of working at the same company.  Didn't see that coming 29 years ago. 


  1. What a terrific milestone -- good for you AND good for your company. Kudos to you.

  2. Congratulations on your work anniversary. I think the longest place I worked at was about 13 years.

  3. Congrts on your work anniversary. Long time! Frank just made 20 years. His divsion manager called him, but his boss didn't say a thing. Kinda goes that way! He was 22 years at the last company. You don't find that anymore!


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