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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Mom's Busy

Nope, you're in the right place. This is me, Millie, and I have hijacked Mom's blog. She's been wicked busy the last few days - teaching and driving all over the place. She taught a very successful Birds class on Saturday, brought the Colorado quilt to be quilted on Sunday morning, and then she had dinner with a friend on Sunday night. Monday was crazy at work, and she's got to go to the teeth v-e-t today and there's a note on the calendar that says my teeth are being cleaned this week too. Well, we'll see about that.

Anyway, Mom's tired and she's gonna spend a few more days just chillaxing on the couch with her Kindle, and don't tell anybody, but I'll be curled up nearby getting scritches as she reads. She's been sewing the binding on the Snow Day quilt, and she bought fabric to bind the Colorado quilt when that comes back. She says she'll have it to show her Barn Building students at QT on October 28.


  1. Thanks Millie , glad to know all is well, with the "vet" , the quilt, and the barn.

  2. Sounds like just the break mum needs. Hope she gets lots of relaxing and reading, and you get lots of snuggles.

  3. Great shot of you Millie - and fabulous to see you hijacking your mom's blog. Have fun at the tooth v-e-t!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Sometimes it takes us cats to slow our humans down. Sit on her Millie.

  5. I think your Mom is doing right and you do well rolling up right next to her. If I could I would watch you cleaning yourself now and then I would love to put my face into your bellyfurrrrrr.


  6. That background was made for you, Millie. A cat in her jungle. Enjoy couch time with Mom.

  7. Black and white, black and white, black and white.


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