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Friday, September 11, 2015

The Four Amish Daughters

All Four of my Amish versions in one quilt.

I was talking to my pal Julie the other night about these Amish quilts and I said that I should fold all the flimsies next to each other so I could see how they looked like next to each other. Then I said that I could always just MAKE a quarter of each quilt and put them all together in one.

I thought it was a good idea, so what the heck.  I stayed up late (REALLY late) and got half of it done. The only reason I couldn't finish the second half was I needed to buy more of the green for two of the quarters.

You may wonder why the darker greens are on the left. It's because two of the quilts share the same inner Red, and I couldn't put those two sections next to each other.

The wrong side of the flimsy. Yes, all my quilts are this neat on the back, although I don't usually press the seams open.

If anything, these four serve as notice as to why it's a BAD IDEA to use all blenders, or all batiks or all prints of the same scale in one quilt. You need variations of scale to make any quilt a success.


  1. now you're talking! I love the study, and how they're all one quilt now. it will be fantastic displayed next to your first quilt. that will get them talking, and looking- and thinking!

  2. Lynn - I love where you took this from the purchase of fabrics when you taught us to make wonky rail fence blocks to this latest version which I LOVE by the way. Again, thanks for sharing and I hope you are enjoying your Tennis, Gardening and Quilting Staycation....Sharon

  3. Now I can see so much better what your comments where on each block choice of colors...
    Thanks for laying it out this way!

  4. I love the sisterhood brought together. I don't mind the darks on one side. Very nice study Lynne.

  5. Love it - pure and simple (but also complex and intriguing).

  6. lol I did wonder why the darks were on the left until you pointed it out. duhhh Perhaps more coffee.


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