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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Suggestions Welcome!

While I was working on the Triangle Dance quilt, my pal the Selvage Fairy wondered what would happen if I sliced up the rectangles using a gentle curve instead of a straight line.

 I thought it was a great suggestion, and decided to try it out.

Well Hot Diggity! I like it a LOT!!

So I sewed a couple of pairs together, and WOW, the next quilt is going to be called "Triangle Twirl".

I can't wait to get started...

It just goes to show that sometimes an innocent question from somebody else can be a wonderful way to get you going on something new. So when a friend, coworker, family member or passerby makes an offhand comment, pay attention. Sometimes good things can happen!

Yes, I think this definitely has potential. I just sewed a bunch of blocks and threw them up on the design wall. I can already see some things I should avoid, and some things I want to emphasize a bit more, but I think this is going to be fun to play with.

Thank you Selvage Fairy, I am happy to say this is entirely your fault.


  1. Super, I like the way some curve out, some in, and a gentle line, was it easy to stitch? There will be so many ways to put these together, I can see some fun time on the design wall.

  2. Always fun to try something new...and bust a basket of scraps at the same time! This is going to be fun....loving the curves.

  3. Triangle Twirl - love it! (which ones do you want to emphasize/de-emphasize? -- hope you'll show us)

  4. They are not only twirling but singing too!

  5. Not entirely my fault. Sujata Shah who inspired the class I took with you in July is also to blame. But at least now I don't have to do it. So, you're welcome.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.