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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Deco Block Construction

When I first saw the rotary cutter in the early 1980's, I could see its potential right away and I knew I'd never make a quilt using templates ever again, and I never have. (I don't do paper-piecing either.)

So when I had to add a 2-1/2" square on the end of a 4-1/2" strip, there wasn't any way I was going to cut either 2-1/2" squares or 2-1/2" x 4-1/2" rectangles. Since the exact location of the square at the end of the strip didn't need to be precise, I came up with a different way of doing it. The other reason was I was using a LOT of different fabrics. If I had wanted a group of these exactly the same, I would have sewn a 2-1/2" strip to a 4-1/2" one and then cut them crosswise. (See one of my earliest blog posts for an explanation*.)

 Instead I sewed the ends of my blue strips to a long colored strip that would be the square...

 Cut them apart,
And them trimmed them down to size.

Then I made all the blocks. I confess I did need to cut a few more strips (about 10) to finish the blocks, but as I trimmed them I set them out on the floor to see what they might look like. This is by no means a final layout.

I should have the blocks done tomorrow (well, if I ignore the housework I can), and I may start sewing rows together.

This is kinda wild. I'm not used to making a quilt in less than two weeks.

*The black quilt in that post is still on my bed, btw.


  1. 2 weeks IS fast ... Gonna be a beauty!

  2. Clever cutting decision! I've stitched pieces onto a long strip when I make crumb blocks, but I never thought of doing it for "real" strips - I love it!

  3. I'm liking this blue quilt a heck of a lot, so fresh and clear looking.

  4. Ignoring housework is what I do best!!
    Blocks are looking good, love the colours. So dreary here with winter still all up in our faces....

  5. You are quick and your shortcuts are great. The wonderful old if its too short, add to it, too long, cut it action! Simple in so many ways but also quite lovely quilt!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.