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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Rail Fence, Quilted

Chris quilted the Rail Fence quilt in freehand Baptist Fans. I love it.

Since the quilt is going to be used as a table covering, I wasn't too fussy about the backing. I wanted to use something from my stash. I found an ant farm!

 Bugs for the binding seemed perfect and fun!

I think it's going to look cool. The only thing I can't decide is whether to machine sew the binding or hand sew it. I will be teaching a class on this technique at Quilted Threads, and the quilt will be used as a sample. I want it to look good.

I guess that means I have a few hours of hand stitching ahead of me.


  1. Lurve that backing fabric Lynne! What did you have in mind for it when you bought it?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I'm considering machine-sewing my next binding because I take tiny stitches hand-sewing, and it takes forever. Please share your machine-sewing technique. I'm sure if I tried it, the binding seam would be the first thing anyone would see. If you're even considering it for a class, you are way better than that. :)

  3. i'm sure with your skill level I'm confident that you could machine stitch it. you're halfway there with all those clips! I know you can do it!

  4. can you share when the class will be? I bought the book and love that zig zag quilt....Sharon


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