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Friday, January 30, 2015

Change Partners and Dance... redux

I tried to hang the letters on the front porch on Tuesday, and one of them fell and a serif on the letter "T" broke. I had known they were old and brittle and was worried this might happen. I was worried about the letters hanging in a place where they would be subjected to the wind and other elements that might knock them over, and I guess I was right.

I talked to my Mom later, thinking I would just scrap the whole idea but she said, "Oh, no! Those letters are too special for you to give up. You have to find a way to do it."

Of course she was right, and as I looked at the pieces after taking this photo, I have another idea to hang the letters and make them secure.  It won't happen soon because I have a lot to do, but it will happen. In the meantime I'll glue the little pieces back together and give the letter "T" a touch up.

Dear Megan, if you think I have the patience to do hand quilting you are seriously mistaken. I don't and besides, the arthritis in my right hand won't let me do that for very long. 

Terri and Susan, I only close up the studio when the temperatures outside get below 10F. There is an electric heater in that room and I can turn it on whenever I want, so I only use it when I have to be in there working. Right now it's no harm no foul because I have other irons in the fire. You should know me well enough to know that if I've got a sewing project that I'm very excited about wild horses couldn't pull me away from the sewing machine.


  1. Ah - you see, Lynne - one doesn't need patience to do things that one enjoys. I'm sure you've had people admire your quilts and exclaim how patient you must be and then wondered what they were talking about. You enjoyed virtually every moment working on the quilt and it felt restorative and stimulating and satisfying to do it - no patience required. Patience is needed for doing your annual tax return or shovelling snow or waiting for a doctor who is always running behind schedule. So, if your hands would allow you to hand quilt, you'd probably enjoy not only the process but also the outcome and not need patience. However, it's not going to happen, so I'll stop talking about.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. SO glad you are going to repair the letter and develop a new way to hang them both!!!

  3. So sorry... I know you'll succeed and they will be installed in a way to last a lifetime; bring on the elements!


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