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Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Little Something

You have all read that the red curtain in the bathroom didn't work. While cleaning yesterday, I moved the old curtain to the living room. Actually I tossed it on the back of the plum colored wing chair I have. The fabric is in good condition, and I planned to put it in one of the scrap bins. A few hours later I walked by, took a look at it and stopped. Then I got a brainstorm.

The wing chair is upholstered in violet ultrasuede.  Sitting right next to it is a red-orange upholstered chair, and on that chair was a small purple fleece pillow. The pillow was coming apart at the seams and was covered in cat hair. (Fleece = cat magnet)

So I decided to recover the little pillow.  Check it out.

and here...

Some would say it's serendipity.

I think it's Karma.


  1. I think it's fabulous!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. wow... looks like you had that in mind the whole time...

  3. Totally perfect! You could make a quilt with the rest of the fabric--if there is any more--and toss it on the back of one of the chairs too! :-)

  4. I think tossing that fabric on the wing chair was your subconscious poking you - love it!


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