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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Another Distraction

My friend Julie says I should have a letter quilt flimsy available for my students to study when I teach.  She thinks students can benefit from seeing how something is put together if they can examine both sides. She also thinks it's good for folks to know that free-pieced and improvisational doesn't mean sloppy workmanship.

It's a good idea but I had a hard time grappling with making a letter quilt that would never be quilted. Sitting in my studio last night my eyes drifted up to the long shelf above my design wall and to the plastic bins full of dud letters and orphans.


I didn't have to make a "real" quilt. I already have a lot of already made letters that I could sew together to show students.  So I pulled them down and played around a bit.

Right now it says "When soup dogs steal chicken use  aaaa ruta-a-a." I would have to make a "g" and a "b" to finish "rutabaga." Julie reminded me I had sent her a box of my duds last year and she could send them back for me to play with. So I shall be having some fun without having to start from scratch. I think it's even more amusing the sentence is nonsensical.

Here are the twelve rail fence blocks on the design wall.

 I have two blues, a yellow, orange, green, grey, pink and red left to go.


  1. What a good idea to put those dud letters to use. Your rail fence is looking great.

  2. Make a B and a G and you can use a rutabaga when them there soup dogs strike.

  3. The letters will be in the mail to you today . . . love, love, love the nonsense quilt top!!!

  4. I think Julie's idea is an excellent one - if nothing else, it shows students that things don't always go perfectly first time around and that's okay! You have another go, you invest in developing your skills and learning, and you improve. It's not a waste of fabric if it's not perfect or usable - it's part of the process.

    And then, of course, you can always get super creative and find a way to use the duds after all! LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  5. I find it refreshing and inspirational when a teacher shows her "outtakes" it makes her human and takes the pressure off to be perfect right off.
    Give Millie scritches for me.


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