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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday Sewing

I enjoyed sewing Sujata Shah's variation of the Rail Fence blocks so much, I decided to keep going.
I decided to make another table cover for my dining room table using these blocks. This would be an "everyday / any season" tablecloth quilt, so I measured my table without the extension leaves and determined I'd need 20 blocks. Since I already had 4, I only needed to choose fabrics for 16 more.

Fortunately I had to drive up to Quilted Threads to deliver my Black and White Crayons quilt to hang in the shop as a sample for a Letters class I will teach there on January 31.

I went shopping and bought some fabrics, then threw them all in the washing mashine when I got home. Last night and this morning I put fabric pairs together and cut my strips.

i deliberately planned a strong light/dark contrast between the pairs and I wanted the light/dark pairs to relate to each other somehow. Generally they are the same color - blue with a light blue, orange with a light orange, etc., but sometimes the combination pair was more connected by shape or feel (see the second to the bottom pair in the leftmost column). I also tried to get a contrast in pattern. A rectilinear pattern paired with a more rounded, organic shape, for example, as in the tan fabric at the bottom of the second column.

(the photos will supersize when clicked, then double-clicked.)

My selections were severely hampered by the fact that I couldn't use any fat quarters. For each block I needed four 5" x 20" strips.  This also meant a half yard of fabric would only yield one block. Had I thought more about it while I was at QT yesterday I would have bought more fabric, but it's OK. This way each fabric is only represented once.

I totally screwed up when I cut the fabrics for the first blocks. For some reason I cut the strips 5" instead of 5-1/2" as instructed in the book. I had to readjust the size of the individual blocks, but that's no big deal. Adapt, improvise, overcome.

I cannot tell you how happy I am to be back in my own house after being displaced for 2-1/2 days.


  1. 4 20" strips for one block, but of 2 colors so 2 - 20" strips per color. You can get that out of a fat quarter.

  2. The colour of your first block here is lovely but you guys over there all posting blocks from Sujata's book are driving me cray - waiting for mine to arrive here in NZ and impatient to get started!!! I actually had thought of going with the eBook first off but I love the tactile experience of handling an actual book.

  3. Yes, Wanda, I can get two 5" x 20" strips out of a fat quarter, but I can't get FOUR 5" x 20" strips out of a fat quarter.

  4. This is a lovely start! I think I have some of those same fabrics, too. I really have to check out that book! So glad that you suffered no serious damage from the power outage.

  5. As always with you, Lynne - fascinating, unusual, but fabulous choice of fabrics. They're really going to make this a tablecloth that is a visual feast for the eyes.

    Glad that you're celebrating being at home again.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Great post - and fabulous fabrics!!!


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