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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Ready for Action

I do not know why us quilters feel the need to show photographs of our clean studios.  Here is mine just before I cleaned up last night.

Three worktables is really nice for working, but not so nice when you've got all three covered with stuff.

After a couple of hours of stacking and folding, this is the result.  See that fabric on the far table?

It's going to be a perfect curtain for the door in the sewing studio!! You may recognize it from this post.


  1. The studio looks fabulous with fabric scattered all around, although I can appreciate that that may make it a challenge to get anything done.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Rule of thumb at my house - If it is horizontal, it is covered in 'stuff'.

  3. How good to see a "lived-in" studio! Presently I have one just the same - should be morse like your second photos by this afternoon. Yes the fabric from Julie looks neat hanging there.

  4. Great fabric! Your work stations look perfect for specific tasks; you are super-organized, even in the "before clean up" photo. I can relate to the horizontal surface rule... arggh!

  5. I wonder what is behind that door that you are trying to hide....


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.