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Monday, November 3, 2014

Fall House Top Progress

I got bored making one big house top block at a time. Actually, bored isn't the right word. "tired" is more like it. Sew a seam, press it, trim it, choose a piece of fabric, pin to the edge... repeat. Up and down, up and down. It was tiring.  So I decided to approach it differently.

I cut out a bunch of 5" gold squares. Some weren't 5", they were 4-1/2" x 5" but I figured that was close enough.

Then I sat at my work table with a lot of strips strewn about and sewed them to one side, then pressed them and added a piece to the other sides.

This is a very good task to do while you are "watching" TV.

 especially when the commentators say your team can't possibly win against the team everybody (else) thinks is "The Best."

However as the game progresses and your team proceeds to beat the pants off "The Best Guys" it becomes a lot more fun.

and the work goes very well. This is the result of my afternoon's work.

*PS, I am an unapologetic New England Patriots fan, and I believe that yes, my team's quarterback is better than yours.


  1. That's exactly why I get more quiltmaking done in winter than in summer, Lynne. I like to 'watch' football (rugby union, rugby league AND Australian Rules). Summer? Not much sport to watch that I'm interested in, unfortunately.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I love your approach to making these blocks. I find making them one at a time to be tiresome, too. Not a sports fan here, but audio books on my Kindle make the time fly by.

  3. I make my housetop blocks en masse, too. So much more efficient (and easier on the knees).

    Love the way your blocks are coming together!!

  4. I agree that working on one at a time is harder. My knees can't take the up and down as much.
    Your blocks are gorgeous.


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