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Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Like Wanda and Julie, I also received Sujata's book in the mail recently.

And since I've got most of my Thanksgiving prep done, I decided to do a little experimenting.

Until now I've never done any work with curves, not even this "gentle" kind that are amazingly easy to do. Oh boy, I'm gonna have to eat my words. I LIKE these. I can see lots of these in my future.

Yep, I'm gonna have a lot of fun this weekend.

And OH! See that lovely blue leaves fabric? I am in LOVE with that fabric and bought yardage in five or six colorways. And do you see that I have CUT INTO it?  Yes, that is what you are supposed to do with fabric. USE IT!

It's only fabric, it isn't gold, and it isn't doing you any good sitting in your stash!

Happy Thanksgiving! 


  1. Millie,
    I am so glad you enjoyed the curves! It adds another layer to the final outcome. And so easy to do!!! I love your fabric selection.. Can't wait to see more happening in your sewing room. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Sujata's book is on my Christmas Wish List, but among you, Julie and Wanda, I don't know if I can hold out!!!!!!

  3. Love your block and your fabrics! The leaves are so rich. I am waiting ?patiently for my copy of the book in New Zealand, so frustrating after seeing the work by yourself, Wanda and Julie!!

  4. Good for you for USING that gorgeous fabric!!!

  5. Looks purrty. Happy Thanksgiving Miss Lynne.

  6. I have that leaf print in 2 colorways too. One is dated 2012 and one 2014 so I guess this means it was so successful that they had to print in new colors.

  7. Love how the leaves fabric works in those blocks!


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