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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Studio and Sewing Update!

On Sunday my dad and I hung the homosote pieces to the walls in my studio. This is where my design wall will be, and what's really nice about it is that no only will it be a flannel design wall, but I'll be able to attach things to it with push pins as well. You all know how sometimes it can be tricky to get large pieces to stay up on a design wall by themselves.

It was a messy day, bringing the pieces outside to be cut to size, then carrying them back inside and attaching them to the walls. It was messy because I had to move everything around, and then move it back in place.  More on that later, but look, I sewed the binding on two sides of the Life is 'Tweet quilt!  Woo hoo!  I did that while sitting on the couch "watching" tv with Millie purring beside me. Life doesn't get much better than that.

* update: Pat, the design wall is 64" wide by about 84" tall.


  1. Looking good Lynne.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. It's so much better to have a design wall. It looks good!

  3. It looks good. How big is your design wall? Mine never seems to be big enough. :(

  4. With filling and hanging things on the walls I feel settled in the new home.
    Great job

  5. Thanks for posting the design wall size. That sounds like a really good size. Mine is only 45x45 - really need to fix that. :D


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