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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Getting There

Pat wanted to know if I had any plans for the big shelf along one wall of the studio.

I sure did!  Along the left side are all my son's children's books he received as gifts growing up.  The rest of it is taken up with bins of fabric I don't use much (solids!) and projects in various stages of abandonment (not really). And don't worry - see that "empty" wall to the right of the windows - I have plans for that too.

The design wall isn't up yet either, but I really want to work on "Life is 'Tweet" so I put it up where I could see it and it would make me think.

As for the questions asked over the last few days....

Wanda, Millie is adapting very well. She opens cabinets and sniffs what's inside. I come home and find cabinet doors ajar and drawers partially opened all over the house. She's climbed every place she can climb. She sleeps next to me at night, and when she decides she's had enough of that, she naps in the kitty condo in the studio, where she can survey the whole house.

Megan, Susan, Terri, and others, the movers will come collect all the empty boxes AND the giant pile of paper. They'll recycle everything. (It's one of the many reasons I chose them.)

Mary K, I don't know how much mojo I can lend you. My get-up-and-go has pretty much got-up-and-gone.  Fortunately Millie knows how to get me to relax. She comes over to me and MEOWS until I sit down and put my feet up. Then she sits beside me and demands to be petted. It's good for both of us.


  1. Looks like a perfect use of that high shelf to me. :)

    I'm so glad to hear how well Millie is adapting to the new digs. She sounds much more comfortable and a lot less feral than I had previously imagined. So nice to have a furry companion.

    Everything is looking so good. I know you are going to just love this new place.

    Still jealous of all that natural light in your studio. :D

  2. Your response to an earlier comment about starting the downsizing two years before the move was a real kick in the pants for me. Now I'm working on the DH to see the sense in what you said. You are an inspiration and I love the new studio. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm with Sue - it's been an eye-opener for me too to see how much work has been involved and to appreciate the merits of decluttering well in advance. And I'm delighted to hear all the updates about Millie and how she's settling in. I hope that she comes to really love her new home - and that you do too. Thanks for sharing the project with us.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. It sounds like Millie is checking to be sure you brought everything from the old place. I'm glad she adapted well.

  5. Wow, you're getting there! It looks great. I just love how organized you look.


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