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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tired Tuesday

I took a cue from Millie last night, took a break from the packing and went to bed early.

Of course I was wide awake at 3:00 AM so I read for a while before going back to sleep.

Thank you all for your wonderful comments yesterday.

Julie and Poppy Q: Yes, I also plan to pack a suitcase with clothes and I already have my travel toiletries bag packed. I plan to pack the entire bathroom this weekend and use the travel toiletries bag until the move. You're right, that way I won't have to worry about where stuff is.  As for marking the cables out of the back of the TV - good idea. Since I'm a geek I know where all the cables go on all computer equipment, but the TV is a different story. No real worry though, as I won't be able to use the TV until the cable installer comes the day after I move to the new place.

Pat: I am not a coffee drinker, but when the weather is cool I like hot chocolate. I have packed all but one mug and left the kettle out as well. As for the cooktop, fortunately my favorite pots and pans are suited to a flat cooking surface.

Felice: I have no valuable jewelry, but I do have a lot of flat artwork. My quilts are all separately insured and are coming with me, as is my laptop and a few other high-value items. All the files on my laptop are backed up on line, so I don't have to worry about those. And my cat, Millie, is traveling with me. The movers told me to pack a "last in, first out" box so I'd have what I really needed at the other end. I'm only moving four and a half miles away.

Mrs Goodneedle: The DW (dishwasher) tip is indeed brilliant.

I cannot tell you all how eager I am to get back to SEWING! While many think I will set up my bedroom or kitchen first, I really think it will be the sewing machine and the iron. 


  1. I'm not at all surprised to hear you might set up your sewing area first. You and Millie will need that to get back to normal. :D
    p.s. I'm also a big fan of stuffing stuff in the dishwasher.

  2. Will you need a hand day of? If it's a weekend, I'd be happy to help.

  3. I believe you have your priorities straight in regard to what gets set up first! Hang in there~

  4. Perhaps a weekend outing to QT - just to fondle fabric and be around others who "get it" --
    not to BUY as that would require more packing!

    Sending hugs for endurance from afar . . .

  5. Pace yourself Lynne! (I know, I know - easier said than done.)

    It's an exciting 'project', but I bet you're glad that you only do it once every two or three decades. LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  6. I feel your pain - and exhaustion. It's been 8 years since I moved, and I am NOT ready to do it again. It sounds like you've thought this all through really well.

    I think the hardest part of my move was moving the cats. They were NOT happy. Fortunately, you have a short move, so hopefully Millie won't be too stressed. I moved 2 states away. It was a very long drive for the kitties.

    I hated being apart from my sewing room. I actually packed a little bin of projects and brought my machine with me so I could stitch when I needed some sanity. It really helped!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.