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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Life Is Tweet Sneak Peek

Chris sent me this photo of my Life is Tweet quilt, which she just finished quilting. I didn't want the usual, and I don't like quilting that looks like a machine did it. I told her to let herself go and just have some fun with it. You can see that she did, and I am thrilled.

It's funny. Folks around here (New Hampshire) can't understand why I send my quilts 1,200 miles away to Tennessee to have Chris quilt them. When I was showing off some of my quilts at my class in July, one of my students exclaimed, "Well all they have to do is LOOK at your quilts to get the answer.

Well, yes!


  1. It looks sensational Lynne.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. beautiful, I think once we find a long arm quilter whose work we love and are comfortable with we don't care how far away they are! I totally understand why you send your quilts to her!

  3. fabulous! what is the postage like? Here in Canada, mailing quilts back and forth would cost at least 100 bucks.

  4. That is really spectacular quilting. Your long arm quilter is a keeper!


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