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Friday, September 12, 2014

Julie and The Black Box

This is my best pal Julie with my Black Box quilt, which is currently on exhibit at the AQS show in Chattanooga.

If you are planning to attend the show, and if you see my quilt, take a picture of yourself with it and send it to me!  And if you can't send a photo, tell me what you think of the quilt!


oh, and in case you don't know... my quilt is completely "free-pieced" which means it was made without patterns or templates, and it is NOT paper-pieced. If that isn't enough, I do not completely plan my quilts out in advance. I start with a half baked idea and see where it takes me.


  1. I love your out of the box crayon quilts and I think the black one is my favourite. I love free piecing, you never know which road you'll go down next. Rather like my driving holidays.

    Wish I could see it in person.

  2. Congrats! I won't be anywhere near Tennessee but I started following your blog while you were working out the piecing of the box, so I have seen it grow from infancy!

  3. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. I knew you and Julie would be such a match..too many connections not to be. Love the entire story of cats and quilts and quilters and creativity between two good and very talented friends!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.