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Friday, September 26, 2014

I was just thinking...

Pat left a comment yesterday. She said, "I haven't moved for thirty years and expect to do so next year so I'm really watching your progress with interest."

This post isn't quilt related, but I had to have some kind of photo. Fortunately Millie volunteered to pose.
 Well Pat, I have something to tell you. START NOW! If you've lived in your current home for over 30 years I guarantee you have more stuff than you think you do. Start with one room, and go through every single thing. Every closet, every drawer, every box. Don't just rearrange. PURGE! If you haven't used it in over a year, get rid of it. If it's torn, worn, out-of-date, or it doesn't fit, get rid of it. You don't have to throw it away, you can donate it to Goodwill or your local Homes in Transition. But don't set it aside "for now."  In my experience, "for now" becomes "forever."

It's a whole lot easier to do all this when you aren't up against a deadline.

You all know I'm moving, but what you didn't know is that I've been on a de-cluttering mission for over two years. By the time I started packing four weeks ago, I knew that if it was in my home, it was coming. All I had to do was pack it, I didn't have to think about it.

So Pat, get going. Set a deadline, make a plan, make a schedule, and follow through.

Is it work? You bet.  Is it easy? Hell no. Is it (was it) worth it?  Ask me next week, but so far the answer is yes. Having done all the de-cluttering ahead of time has taken a lot of the stress out of it.


  1. This is the best advice yet on getting ready to move. Having moved in July I can testify that it is never too soon to start. I wish I had been a little more ruthless in my purging.

  2. I agree with your sage advice, it's always a good idea to be clutter-free... even if you're not planning a move. A closet, a drawer, a room... plan your attack and be ruthless! Glad it's going well for you.

  3. AND de cluttering just plain FEELS good -removing "stuff" makes it easier to breathe (literally and figuratively). Go for it!!!!

  4. Mille and a 'nip 'nana! Yaaaaay.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Yes, de-cluttering works. Also, consider packing up the stuff you want to take but don't need immediately. The seasonal stuff, items you want but don't use often, etc. This is especially if you have to show your house for sale. You will want it to be very clutter free. Those boxes can go in the garage or in a self storage unit and will be ready for the movers when the time comes.

  6. Good advice, Lynne. Actually, I watched my sister go through this last year and she didn't do what you have done. What a mess. At the time I wasn't considering a move but I did take note and started decluttering then. There is still a lot to do but watching you has revitalized my determination to 'get on with it'. :-)

  7. Another question to ask yourself when decluttering is "Am I still this person?" Some things I thought defined my life really defined a life I didn't have and didn't even want anymore.

  8. Great advice. It is amazing what you find stashed away that you just hang on to. Although I was sad to lose some of the things I couldn't take with me, 90 per cent of the stuff I don't miss at all.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.