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Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Black Box @ AQS Chattanooga & Des Moines

In all the craziness I don't know if I mentioned it, but The Black Box quilt will be on exhibit at the AQS show in Chattanooga September 10 - 13. If you go, take a picture of yourself with my quilt and send it to me. Here is the list of semi-finalists.

Then The Black Box will travel to Des Moines Iowa for the AQS show there October 1 - 4. The quilt will be in good company. My friend Julie's See Rock City quilt will also be on exhibit in both shows. Here is the complete list of semi-finalists.

I'm thrilled to have my quilt on exhibit.

Like they all say about the Oscars, "It's an honor to be nominated."


  1. congrats on the nomination, your works are wonderful...

  2. I will get a photo for you in Chattanooga - can't wait to see it there! One can never have too many photos of a quilt with blogging friends at the show!

  3. I usually go to the Des Moines show, but will be unable to go this year. Dang! I will see if my friends who are going can take a pic of it! What category did you enter it in?

  4. LOVE the Des Moines quilt show and have been to it several times. I enjoy the beauty of all the quilts and I'll definitely drive the 70 miles (one way--140 round trip...) to see it this year!! It's worth the time AND the money.

  5. What a glorious quilt - just lovely!
    Congratulations on being a semi-finalist!

  6. Congratulations! I wish I had gotten a photo of myself w/ Julie's "SRC" at the Charlotte show! Your quilt is spectacular and I feel so privileged to have been able to see both your quilt and Julie's in PERSON!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.