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Monday, August 11, 2014

Sort, Toss, Organize

There's a bureau in the far corner of my sewing studio. It's difficult to get to, so I don't use it as efficiently as I should.  When I got back there the other day I discovered why. There is all kinds of stuff in there I don't need and will never use. This is the pile of stuff I will throw away.

Even Millie helped.

Now the stuff in the bureau, and the stuff that used to be on top of it has been sorted and better organized.

Here are the answers to some of the comments in my last post.

Where? The next town over.
How far? About five miles
Yes, I will be enjoying the birthday couch.
When? About 53 days or so, assuming the co-op accepts my application,which will be submitted tomorrow (I need to photocopy some documents and provide a photo of Millie). They say the application should take about 14 days to process.

Cross fingers.


  1. Oh my gosh - it all hinges on a picture of Miss M. You better choose a gorgeous one!!

    We found moving was a good incentive to clean out and just get rid of stuff and clutter.

  2. Moving equals a new adventure! Good luck.

  3. I don't envy you the work ahead; but at least you'll have a wonderful place to relax! Fingers crossed for sure~

  4. Fingers crossed that all goes well with the paperwork.
    Isn't it amazing what we have tucked away in difficult to reach places!

  5. And they need a photo of Millie because ...? If you have to ask permission to keep a cat, do they really care what it looks like? Or are they only given to approving tuxies, so they need evidence that Millie is one?

    Sydney, Australia


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