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Thursday, August 14, 2014

4 Zip Bags

The four little zippy bags are all finished and are on their way to my fairy niece and nephews.

I'm pretty happy with them although it did take me a bit to figure out how I made them!

Dear Megan, the co-op needs information about Millie because it is an over-55 facility, and they need to know (if the awful awful happens to me) if there is a pet in my home that will need care. They also wanted to know who would care for her if I was incapacitated.  They called me today after calling my references (all of whom called me to relay their stories) and I have a "First Meeting" with the Membership Committee on Friday.

The new place is out in the country, in a very quiet area, about 4 miles away. Millie will have EXCELLENT bird TV and I have a (tiny) screened in porch, so she is going to love that too. My new sewing studio is about 50% bigger than my current one, and has excellent natural light.


  1. And the "out in the country" place news sounds positive!

  2. Love your zippy bags...they are very cheerful. A 50% larger sewing space makes any move a no brainer!


  3. Even if you aren't over 55 all cat mum's and dad's need to have a place for their fur kids to go or someone who will care for them.

  4. Love the bags - but will the children know what the typewriter is?? LOL

    Millie - thanks for the info. I can imagine all sorts of reasons why the co-op needs to know about Millie. What I didn't see was why they needed a photo. If a cat needs looking after, it needs looking after whether it's black and white, blue or purple with pink spots. Besides which, of course - by asking for a pic of Millie, they were demonstrating that they are not part of the 'with it' crowd who are regular followers of Millie's blog. What is wrong with these people? No wonder you want to move there - there's a whole community who are yet to find out about cat blogs and desperately need educating.

    I'm very excited to think that Millie will have access to a screened porch. She's gonna love being 'outside'.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. good luck with the move! sounds like a positive move all around. I love these little pencil cases you made I have a few people that would love those too
    did you use a pattern or just whip them up!


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