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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Portrait of a Chicken (or two or three..)

My very tall nephew helped me hang "Too Much Chicken" on the fence at the local playground so I could take some pictures.

btw, The Black Box has been accepted into the AQS show in Chattanooga. Here's the list of all the quilters whose work will be on display.


  1. OH, goodie- I'll get to see your quilt in person!

  2. I love this one!!! I need to get started free-piecing some letters; I bought Tonya's book, I guess I am not going to learn the technique by osmosis though.

  3. Super woot for Chattanooga!!

    Love the chickens ... So glad you had a helper to get that photo!!

  4. Awesome work and congrats on getting into the AQS show! Will you be able to go see it there?

  5. Congratulations Lynne for having the Black Box accepted into AQS. That's wonderful news.

    Sydney, Australia


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