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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Guess what Julie and I did yesterday?  We went to my favorite quilt shop for some retail therapy.  How much retail therapy?  We were there for three hours and we both carried shopping bags filled with fabric when we left. I showed off the Crayons quilts and left the Bright Crayons to be hung on display.

Then we went to lunch.

Julie will lend me her new quilt to show my students in July, so she brought it with her. Julie likes to take photos of her quilts in interesting settings, so on the drive home we found a lovely park for a photo shoot.

The Mashed Potato Crayons is really a pretty quilt, when it isn't overshadowed by its bolder cousins.

Black quilts are notoriously hard to photograph, but I think Julie and I finally got a good one of the Black Crayons. You can even see the quilting in this photo. (What you can't see is me standing on the park bench, holding the quilt up!)


  1. That sounds like a wonderful trip to Quilted Threads: three hours! I could sure get up to some trouble in a quilt shop if I allowed myself to invest as long as that.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. And do WE get to see Julie's new quilt? hmmmmm?


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