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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Decisions, Decisions...

Hmm... This one?

Or this one?

I'm pretty sure I know which one I'll do.  It's a sample for the class on Birds, Butterflies, Asterisk flowers and Hearts I'll be teaching at Quilted Threads in July.

In other  BIG NEWS.... My best pal Julie will be visiting for a few days next week. We'll be going down to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston to see  the Quilts and Color exhibit. We'll be talking about quilts and doing a little sightseeing. We'll also be eating good food, good ice cream and doing lots of gabbing. And of course we'll go fabric shopping at QT.  So I've got to get everything ready so I can enjoy my time off.


  1. I"m voting for the second option.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. definitely the second! less cluttered...

  3. I need to make a bird! I love them. I like how the first bird is giving instructions to the rest of the birds. Either way looks good to me, I can't decide. :)

  4. Second layout sings ... counting the days!!

  5. Guess I'm the odd man out because I like the first version better. I like that the heavier designs begin and end the quilt. It looks more balanced to me.

  6. I also like the 2nd option. It seems to have a vertical movement and draws my eye from bottom to the top.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.