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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Chicken a Go Go!

The chicken quilt is all done.  I threw it up on the fence so I could get a quick photo. It's about 81" tall and the fence is only 72" tall, so there's a bit of the quilt on the ground.  I'll get more "official" photos later, but I am doing the happy dance of joy. It's finished! W00t!


  1. That turned out so cool! I finally had a chance at making letters. I can see how addicting it can be and I have only made 3.

  2. Clucking with joy -- it is FABULOUS!!!!!

  3. I loved following the process of the making of this quilt. Turned out great!

  4. I agree with all of the above comments. The quilt is cool, awesome, fabulous, amazing,and great. I love it.
    The whole story behind the quilt shows your over the top creativity.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.