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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Almost a Flimsy

It's almost a flimsy. Everything is sewn together. I need to add a couple of inches of WOW all around, and then square it off and it will be Finito.  

Julie suggests I keep unquilted flimsies around to show my students. She says that it's helpful for students to see how my work is put together. They can see that when they look at the wrong side of my quilts. This won't get quilted until my class is over.

I cannot tell you how happy I will be when this thing is off my design wall. It has been bugging me for some time.

(BTW, the top edge of the quilt looks wobbly because it is on the bias, and I've stay stitched the edge to keep it from stretching. It does look funny, but once I sew the border strips on, it will be fine.)


  1. Julie might be an enabler - encouraging you to start new projects before others are quilted and finished! LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Megan -

    Me? An enabler for Lynne?



  3. I've loved watching this take shape. It may be boring to you, but I have certainly enjoyed it. I do wish I lived closer to you so I could take your class.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.