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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

NH Modern Quilt Guild

I attended the NH Modern Quilt Guild meeting last night. My quilts don't fit in any category, but the quilts I make as gifts tend to be more modern, so I thought I'd visit a meeting and see. Everyone was nice and friendly (I am sorry that I can't remember very many names). I do remember the name of the lady sitting next to me, Renee, who while introducing herself remarked that she was a true believer in hand quilting. I piped up, "Well you can keep it." It drew a big laugh. I know very few quilters who actually have the time to hand quilt all the quilts they make. In fact, if I had had to hand quilt every quilt I made I would have given up quilting long ago. (Oh wait, that's exactly what happened 30 years ago...) I admire anybody with the persistence, time and determination it takes to hand quilt a large bed quilt. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings, Renee.

I brought six quilts. Three "modern" ones... the new red, white and blue Sliced quilt,

The bright Sunburst Rainbow (I actually drove to my Mom's house and asked if I could borrow it. I felt a bit guilty because she was lying under it.)
and my own Red Sticks.

Next I showed three of my word quilts, starting with Nine x Nine,
and the two Rules quilts, the White Rules...
and the Black Rules.
They were very well received.

I had a good time.


  1. Good for you girl. I still have not visited my quilt guild (I'm not much of a joiner) but you have inspired usual. So I will go next month and see what's up in my area.

    Susan (Sadie's mom)

  2. No "modern" guild here -- glad to hear your quilts were well received!

  3. I love your sticks quilt and I said the other day how much I like the sliced quilt. I think all your quilts are very modern. Just my opinion. :D

  4. I'm gonna guess that the hand quilters don't have to deal with arthritis.


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