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Monday, March 31, 2014

With or Without?

As I was finishing up the Black and White Crayons, I needed a way to figure out how big the finished flimsy would be, so I stuck a piece of black fabric up on the design wall so I could see the left edge. When I stepped back, I had an AHA moment.

So I stuck up strips of more fabric to indicate what it might look like, and then I added some BW striped fabric I might use as a binding. I wasn't quite sure, so I tried it the other way.

I already know which I am going to do, but I thought you might like to see both versions and decide for yourself. With, or without? And why do you think so?


  1. I think without. I really like the borders, but I think they make the whole look lopsided, sort of like the issue you had with the y.
    I look forward to seeing what others think, and to learning what you have decided, and why!

  2. Absolutely WITH the borders, as in the first picture! Love the stripe as binding.

  3. I like it with the borders. It seems a bit naked without.

  4. I like it better without borders, so you can focus on what's going on in this quilt ! Beautiful btw.

  5. I like it with the contrasting border. The second one looks cramped/constrained to me for some reason.

  6. With the border - my eye was jumping around looking at the balance of black and white and the birds.
    Without the border - my eye went directly to the words.
    However I think it is equally attractive both ways.

  7. Wow! When you can have borders like that why even think of doing without them. Love the stripe - love the whole project!

  8. Love the first one! Whichever way you go, I can't wait to hear why for you.

  9. I like the first one. it is more interesting.

  10. Borders. the contrast created with the borders strengthens the what you are doing within the quilt and ties the whole thing together. Without the borders it looks a bit drab and undressed!

  11. I like it without the boarders. Easier to focus on what the quilt is all about without them.

  12. With borders, although perhaps not quite as wide as shown in the photo (to be dealt with when squaring again after quilting).

    I think borders add to the black/white tension, in a good way.

  13. With the borders, to my eye (although I would use a little less white on the left side before the black border) The borders give more contrast, and emphasize the black/white contrast in the entire top. And, it looks more "finished" to me.
    The stripe for the binding is the icing on the cake. :)
    Love your birds!

  14. Borders! It adds a little something extra. A wonderful design either way.

  15. With the borders. But ... I'm unsettled about the borders along the bottom edge. At the top of the quilt you have background fabric above the letters/birds before the border, but you don't along the bottom edge. I'd like to see some white fabric below the 'B' and black fabric below the 'X', and then the borders.

    Love love love the quilt. Fabulous birds - although I still think it would be fun to add one more in the black negative space in the upper right of the quilt, so the quilt is not as neatly balanced as it currently is.

    Sydney, Australia

    PS. You fixed the Y!

  16. Definitely the first version. The contrasting border pulls it all together, and the striped binding is the cherry on top.

  17. I think both are wonderful, but I would choose the top version with the borders.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.