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Friday, March 14, 2014


Anybody who knows me knows that if I'm excited about a project I work on it every single available minute.  The Flying Pigs have languished on my design wall. It just isn't singing for me. Fortunately I have a distraction.
I got a box of quilts back from Chris, who does my longarm quilting.

 First, the low-volume Crayons.

Next, the Bright Crayons,

 And here's a detail of the Black Crayons, showing Chris's wonderful quilting.

 Finally, Sliced, for one of my "fairy nephews." (If you're a Fairy Godmother, you get to have Fairy Nieces and Nephews.)

I've already added the binding to the low volume Crayons quilt.


  1. What a wonderful package to arrived! I love them all!

  2. Question - if the pigs are languishing at your house and they are stalled at my house . . . why are they still on "the list" ? Shall we vote them off the island and see if they do better elsewhere?

    SO much joy in that box!!!

  3. I am so glad to know you are enjoying them! I love seeing the photos from a blog, it is always a different perspective. They are great in person, but so cool to see on your blog! Thanks again for allowing me to have a hand in your creations!!! much FUN!!

    Happy Binding!

  4. What a lovely boxful of quilts.
    I too had said I would join in with Flying Pigs but sadly nothing done yet!

  5. Thank u for showing wonderful examples of color contrasting and pack grounding with different fabrics. no one made this but a teacher.

  6. That Chris is a quilting queen, your quilts are completely spectacular, and I am absolutely in love with your Low Volume binding fabric!! Well done, all around!


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