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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Clean House - for Real

All my bravado yesterday notwithstanding, the situation had reached "critical mess" and I just had to do some serious cleaning. The cold, the snow, the dark had all combined to make me feel very blah, so the house went to hell. No longer

The kitchen is clean (I'm running the dishwasher right now), my lunches for the week have been made, along with snacks and treats (homemade hummus and oatmeal cookies). The bathroom is clean. The office is clean and the bills have been paid (and the taxes done).

The dining room table is clear (Halleluiah!), the bedroom is clean, the laundry is done and folded and put away (no minor point at my house). I never make the bed on Sundays.

The living room is neat, the clutter is organized and I vacuumed the whole house.

I only vacuumed the studio, I didn't really do any big-time cleaning. I've got work to do.

*The weekend wasn't without any fun. I went to the movies and out to dinner with a pal yesterday and will celebrate my nephew's birthday later today.


  1. Good for you. I would like to invite you to my place now. :D

  2. It warms my heart every time I see Sparkling Stars on your living room wall.

  3. Can you send me some of your energy?

  4. WOW! I want to come live with you. Your home is the most beautiful I've ever seen! I love all the color and says so much about you. You are truly an artist and so inspiring!

    Cleaning feels so good (when its done!)

  5. A black and white cat is a fabulous ornament for your lounge room.

    Sydney, Australia


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