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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Black and White

I started sewing up my Black and White letters yesterday.  Here is what I have so far.

I like the way the "e" and the "a" mirror each other both in fabric used and shape and scale. I'm not quite sure about the bats and the striped fabric for the "l"s but I find them both rather humorous.

Let me show you some of the letters in detail.

There are three different fabrics in the "U", and their placement is quite deliberate.

There are five different fabrics in this "S" and their placement was very carefully orchestrated. That curve that connects three different pieces and patterns of fabric was no accident.

When I was trying to figure out how to arrange the fabrics for the "T", I moved the two fabrics around each other, and noticed that if I arranged them just right I could get that little point where the two fabrics met. Another advantage of this placement was the center of the circles look like eyes staring at you!

This letter "H" will straddle the light and dark dividing line, and that fabric in the crossbar was also very precisely placed.

To answer some questions posed in the comments yesterday...

Rebecca, I often keep my sketchbook near my bed, but I've never used it in the middle of the night to write down an idea. However I have been known to jump out of bed and run into the studio in the middle of the night. I never draw quilt designs in colored pencils

Terri.. HOLY CRAP, What an AWESOME idea!!! I never thought of anything LIKE that! So cool, THANKS!

Julie, You're welcome. As soon as I saw them I knew they were PERFECT!


  1. Fantastic sleeve method - painless! Sorry, I'm going back to a few days ago's posting... I stitch the sleeve on the top edge of the quilt before binding it. One side done... Now set your machine to hemstitch and do the bottom of the sleeve. The thread will not go through all the layers and never show on top. Done almost instantly...


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.