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Monday, February 24, 2014

Flying Pigs Anybody?

Julie challenged me to a Flying Pig quilt-along. While I have an idea of where I'm going with it, I haven't started yet.  But I do have fabric.

Here are pinks from my stash.

Here are some pinks that I purchased for this project.

Of course I had to order some pig fabric.

And I even bought some flying pig fabric!



  1. Absolutely sumptuous pinks! And the first pig fabric I just love it. I said I would join in with this one.

  2. How fun!!! Can't wait to see where you are going...sneak peeks??

  3. love that airplane/pig fabric. looks like a fun project.

  4. How exciting. Looking forward to see where this is going. I'm sure it's going to fly...

  5. There were five who commented on my blog about joining in - you and me, Kathy and Maureen, and someone named "Unknown" who shared that her brain cells were churning with ideas.

    I have a stack of fabrics pulled - no actual pigs in the mix but it's still early.

  6. Practically perfect porcine potential.

    (Sorry, I had to...)

  7. Love love love the fabrics you've chosen.

    Sydney, Australia


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.