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Saturday, January 25, 2014

WGO (What's Going On)

I've been playing catch-up since I finished the flimsy for the Chicken quilt. I've got the worktables in the studio more or less clean, but that room needs a lot of attention. I've got stuff stacked everywhere.

The rest of the house is in better condition. I've got all the laundry caught up (translation: all folded and put away), the dining room table is mostly clear and the kitchen counters are clear of dirty dishes and clutter.  I've caught up with the checkbook and only have some reconciling to do.

I've got some other loose ends to tie up.  Last year Sharon told us how to make our own vanilla extract. I thought it was a great idea, so I made some. Naturally I got curious and had to look around on the internet for more information about it.  I found a great website to buy good quality vanilla beans, Beanilla. By the time I got around to really looking into it, it was time for Christmas shopping.  Beanilla sells some homemade vanilla extract  infusion kits.

I bought three, two to give as gifts, and one to keep for myself. I also bought some extra vanilla beans.   The beans are beautiful, plump and fragrant (unlike the dried out ones I'd get from the supermarket).  It's a month after Christmas and I finally made it to the liquor store to buy some vodka to make my own vanilla.

I'm preparing another class to teach, and I'll be getting back to editing the book I wrote last year. There are some other projects brewing, and then of course, there is The Wedding. I'm not going anywhere, but I won't be posting quite as often for the next few weeks.


  1. Good for you for trying the vanilla! I think you'll love the homemade version. Thanks for the link to Beanilla - I'll check them out.

    And congrats on getting caught up again. What a chore, right? I'm in the midst of that too.

  2. Isn't it wonderful to have an array of interesting little projects on the go? Very therapeutic.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Our daughter made us some homemade vanilla extract for Christmas and it is wonderful. I'll tell her about Beanilla, I know she'll be interested. Let me know whenever you have your teaching schedule ready for Quilted Threads.


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