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Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I decided to make a signature panel for the back of the Chicken Quilt.

Who would have thought that after making almost 200 letters for the chicken quilt that I'd be interested in making still more? 

I had wanted to include "FRICKN CHICKN" in the quilt, but as the design evolved the idea just didn't fit.  Then I thought I'd put it on the back, but by the time the flimsy was finished I couldn't see the point in adding those letters on the back of the quilt, so I decided to make a signature panel instead.

I made one for the back of No Rules for Julie,

 and the signature panel on Letters from Home is on the front.

 When I had several of my quilts appraised by Gerald Roy last year he asked me if I signed them. I turned them over and showed him. They signatures were all small and discreet, hidden within the pattern of the backing fabric.   

"Too small," he advised. "Make them bigger."

Yes sir!


  1. Fantastic - you can send the Frickin' Chicken to me . . . you know I'll find a way to use it!

  2. I love your "labels." Lately, it seems every project I touch, seems to want pieced letters as part of it or as part of the backing. Yours are motivating me to go for it.

  3. So lovely! :)
    Greetings from Finland!
    Hugs, Ulla

  4. Yes, you should be obey because you r must be proud of your work

  5. thanks for posting your *signature*! i was struggling how to make a *2* and your post points me in a great direction! thanks again :)


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